JANKI DEVI INTER COLLEGE BIJUA was established by Late Shri Rajesh Kumar in July 2005 and it is managed by the Pvt. Unaided. It is located in Rural area. It is located in BIJUA block of KHERI district of Uttar Pradesh. The school consists of Grades upto 12. The school is Co-educational. Hindi is the medium of instructions in this school.
The school has its own building. It has got 12 classrooms for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities. The school has a separate room for Head master/Teacher and Staffs. The school has a boundary wall. The school has have electric connection. The Drinking Water is available the school. The school has seperate toilets for boys & girls. The school has a big playground. The school has a rich library. The school has computers for teaching and learning purposes.The school is having a computer aided learning lab.
JDIC becomes a symbol of friendly & genuinely learning place at the lowest possible expenses. We could habituate thousands of persons particularly those students, going to distance places for their higher studies.
LDear students, "You are the nation-builders. You are the agents of change." It is our fervent hope that the years that you spend in Janki Devi Kanya Inter College would enable you to equip with leadership and managerial skills.
Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society.