+91 6393706542

Rules & Regulations

Discipline and virtue are the hallmarks of Janki Devi Inter College. We expect that the students enstrusted to our care, will conduct themselves to the satisfaction of all concerned and leave the school after a successful career as God-fearing young men and women useful to themselves, their parents and the society. .


Punctuality and regularity in attendance is essential. Students who have been absent the previous day must bring a note of explanation through ‘Record of Non-attendance’ page of the almanac without fail. In case of illness a Medical Certificate should also be sent. Students who expect to reach home late after the school due to personal reasons must inform their parents/guardians in advance. Entry into school premises is not permitted before 7:30 a.m. Late arrival will be permitted between 7:50 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., only 3 times in a month. A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the examination. Students are not allowed to use school phones without permission. A student must speak in decent language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite. Every student is required to carry the school identity card each day of the school. Students are not allowed to receive private tuitions from the teachers of the school. Students must report any incident of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately.


Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour. Gluing stickers and posters of any kind on the school property. Resource to use of unfair means during examinations. Participating in any incident of bullying and ragging. Collecting money, contribution and donation without written permission of the Principal. Smoking in and around the campus.


Trinket, Jewellery, Henna, or Tattoos. Objectionable literature or expensive items. Crackers, fireworks, fire arms and any other inflammable material. Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays. Toys, any dangerous instrument, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, banned food items.


All our considerations are in favour of child, his or her safety, well being and good education. All rules have been framed keeping that in view.
Students cannot be called to the school office to attend to phone calls during school hours. All the Scholars personal record & medical history in duplicate must be filled by the parents and submitted to the class teacher on the 1st working day itself. The pupil’s Diary is to keep you abreast of the day to day progress of your child; his/her assignments and keep in contact with his/her teachers. Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter classrooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interviews with teachers during school hours. Parents are requested to visit the school website/ Integral Web School regularly for updates (especially for non-scheduled holidays). Half days and short leaves are not granted to students.